Favourite Artists: Soko


Soko is a French new wave singer/songwriter who performs all her songs in English, no need to worry about not understanding the lyrics. 

(When reading this remember: I am not a music critique or have any musical talent I just really like the stuff she creates.)

Soko's musical style is described as new wave, post-punk and goth-pop, her clothing style also perfectly fitting this description. I was first introduced to Soko's music when I found out she was rumoured to be dating Kristen Stewart (a huge celebrity crush of mine), I had to check her out. However, I was unaware that I had already heard her and most of you probably have too. Her song 'We Might Be Dead By Tomorrow' was featured in the viral video 'First Kiss', a black and white video of strangers kissing for the first time, her also being one of the kissers (in a dark coloured beanie).

Not knowing I had already listened to her, I found her first album, 'I Thought I Was an Alien' and listened to it with no interruptions. Simply this, proves she is an amazing artist, in my opinion. If the first time you ever hear someone's music you can't - and never want to - stop listening, it must be good. I hadn't heard anything like this before and I quickly fell in love with this album, it's soft and soothing, her accent and the slight crackle in her voice bringing something really amazing to the songs. My favourites from this album include: How Are You?, Don't Touch Me and I Just Want To Make It New With You.

I Wish I Was an Alien (2012) & My Dreams Dictate My Reality (2015)
Her second album, 'My Dreams Dictate My Reality' is very different from the first one, much more pop and sounding happier than her previous record. I really really like this album, her voice suits the more cheerful songs as well as the louder ones. There are songs you can really dance to, opposed to the last album where they were songs you could really cry to. If you don't want to listen to the whole album you should check out the songs: Ocean of Tears, Temporary Mood Swings and Bad Poetry. All great for dancing and shouting

Soko is also an award winning actress and she taught herself to play guitar, bass and drums. Pretty talented, huh?

Something about her music is magical, I feel like everyone will find at least one song of hers they will fall in love with.

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